Friday 9 December 2016

Live attenuated vaccines mnemonic


LIVE AT=Live attenuated

P=Pneumonic plague..(Remember vaccine for bubonic plague is a killed vaccine)


M=MMR vaccine(Measles,Mumps,Rubella)


E=Epidemic typhus(normal typhus vaccine is killed)

Y=Yellow fever vaccine(17D vaccine)

T=Typhoid oral

V=VZV(Varicella zoster virus) it causes Varicella and zoster
Varicella (Chicken pox in young and zoster in old) The Varicella vaccine and zoster vaccine they are both live attenuated vaccines)

I=Influenza(cold adapted Influenza) {remember that normal Influenza vaccine is killed vaccine but cold adapted Influenza vaccine is live attenuated vaccine....}

R=Rotavirus vaccine

C=Cholera virus vaccine(There are 2 types of Cholera vaccine live as well as killed)

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