Friday 9 December 2016

Open angle glaucoma treatment mnemonic

Open angle glaucoma treatment is FAMous

F=Filteration surgery
A=Argon laser trabeculoplasty
M=Medical therapy

Medical therapy is first choice...

Drug of choice for POAG (Primary open angle glaucoma) is prostaglandin analogues..

Remember that all drugs which are used for glaucoma have some basic mechanism of action these are
1.Aqueous humor production reduction
2.Trabeculaer outflow is enhanced
3.Uveoscleral outflow is enhanced

Prostaglandin analogue MOA (Mechanism of action) is PTU

P=Prostaglandin analogue
T=Trabecular outflow increased
U=Uveoscleral outflow increased

Beta blockers are 2nd choice drugs they have exactly opposite action of prostaglandin analogues that is they do not increase outflow rather they stop aqueous humor formation..

mioTic are 3rd choice drugs and focus into the T of mioTic because it's MOA is Trabecular outflow increased..

Once used Adrenaline analogues are no more used for glaucoma treatment because of their high risk for ALLERGIC REACTIONS... their MOA is easy to memorize just focus onto the A of Adrenaline it's MOA is All 3 actions..


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