Saturday 10 December 2016

Tympanometry mnemonic

Tympanometry gives you 5 types of tympanogram

Type A
Type As
Type Ad
Type B
Type C
Now I used get confused that which type of tympanogram is found in which condition
So here is a mnemonic

Type As is seen in otosclerosis.. how I remember this is remember that s for sclerosis so type  As is seen in Sclerosis(otosclerosis)...

Type Ad is seen in Disruption (ossicular disruption) d for disruption type Ad is seen in disruption..

Type B is seen when tympanic membrane bulges out(means it becomes dome shaped)..

So B for Bulges out.. so Type B is seen in Bulging of tympanic membrane (Tympanic membrane bulges in conditions where fluid is present inside the middle ear)...

Type C is seen in condition where tympanic membrane is retracted inwards..


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  2. plz post more on internal medicine and surgery

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